Section 3 - Maesyron

Section 3: Maesyron to Tirabad (by road) or  alternative via public bridleways

Distance 4 km ( alternative 6 km)

Walk 1.5 hours

Ride 0.5 - 2 hours


Public Road

This short link follows a minor road from Maesyron to beyond Tirabad. An alternative makes use of bridleways and forest tracks on the Tirabad Circular Route

Route Description

Section 3 follows a metalled road from the end of Section 2 at Maesyron to the start of Section 4 near Tirabad. It uses a minor road along the outside of the range boundary to avoid significant defensive positions and gun emplacements, before crossing the range briefly then passing through the village of Tirabad.

After crossing the bridge at Tirabad turn left at the T-junction (SN 879 414). Follow the road towards Cynghordy. The last building on the left is a chapel. An Epynt Way finger post will be found at the next turning on the left.

Alternative Route

The alternative, longer route uses public bridleways and forest tracks, following the Tirabad circular walk. To enjoy this alternative, turn north off the road at SN 931 374 and follow down the side of a forest block to reach a gate onto a hard track near  Blaengefail farm (SN 893 424). Head west from here and over a bridge beside a ford for horses to cross Afon Dulas at SN 888 428. Keep west of the abandoned farmstead of Abergefail across rough ground to reach a gate into the forest. Follow the forest track to arrive at a tarmac road. Turn left and follow the road to leave on the next forest track on the right. At a cross roads in the forest (SN 880 430) turn left then fork left onto a narrower track. Reach another hard track near the Tirabad residential centre.  Go through the gate opposite then down an old green lane, over a culvert to join the Cynghordy road opposite the chapel.


Section 2 - Garth


Section 4 - Tirabad